LMS Metal Detecting


LMS Metal Detecting - Lost Ring Recovery

How To Start The Recovery Process

If you have just lost an expensive item on the beach, take note of your surroundings. It is important to accurately remember where you lost the item. If possible, use your smartphone, Google Maps will show you a map with your coordinates. (Screenshot this map) If you’re not very good at stuff like that then look for landmarks like hotels, beach access areas, and mark the location. Call LMS Metal Detecting at (843)-457-2795 if your call was not answered, please leave a message, and then proceed to use the contact form below.

It is entirely possible one of us is already nearby on the beach and available to assist. The process generally gets moving pretty quickly but depending on the situation it might take some time to recover the lost item. Unfortunately, we can’t control the tides.

Recovery Cost / Terms & Policy

There is a $150 fee that helps recover some of our expenses. Please understand there are no guarantees that your lost ring/item will be found.  We'll do our best, but in some cases, it can be found several days, or even weeks later. If you are here on vacation and the lost item has been found after you have left town. We will ship the item with UPS complete with tracking and insurance at your cost. LMS will also hold the item if you decide to return and just pick it up.

Other Randomly Found Lost Rings

We recommend joining our private facebook group or public lost & found facebook group where several hundred lost rings are posted each year. We do not actively try to return randomly found rings. It would be a daunting task with the amount found. We normally post them on our social media platform where the responsibility falls onto the proper owner to check in and see if their ring was possibly found.

LMS Metal Detecting Thank you

A special thank you to the friends we have made throughout our travels. We truly appreciate your support, and we’re so grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us with your property. We sincerely hope you are satisfied with your experience and will recommend us in the future.

office hours
  • Sunday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Monday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Thursday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Saturday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

LMS Metal Detecting LLC

Thanks for visiting our site, we hope it was helpful with a positive experience. Your feedback and suggestion are always welcome.

Main Office
132 Cypress Creek Dr
Murrells Inlet, SC  29576
Ph: (843) 457-2795

© Copyright LMS Metal Detecting, LLC 2025 - All Rights Reserved